The Official Blog of Patcoola

Im just a dude watching over my parents,
and trying to make cartoons and video games from home.

When Backlinks Don’t Work

, By Patcoola

Back-links are the best way to improve your Web page’s search results, however, many people have abused free Website services such as forums, bulletin board reviews and comments added to the growth of Spam. In this article I’ll explain briefly the problem with Backlink abuse and how the Web has made Back-linking almost impossible.


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A lot of Spam is posted to a Website by automation also know as a Bot, in addition many posts are by real people from third-world countries who are paid to post Spam.

Automation has been made easy due to the use of popular Website software such as WordPress, phpBB, Joomla and Drupal, because many Websites use the same software it is easy to automate the spamming process.

Websites started fighting back by removing the ability to Backlink, because it is almost impossible to filter Spam from legitimate posts or rather I should say resource intensive, Websites have removed the ability for search engines to see the Backlinks in posts. This is done by adding an attribute to the link giving the search a no follow command.

Example Code:

<a href=”” rel=”noFollow”> my Website </a>

The posting does not contribute to Backlinks. Although, the majority of Websites use the no follow attribute, Spammers still continue to post.



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