The Official Blog of Patcoola

Im just a dude watching over my parents,
and trying to make cartoons and video games from home.

2022 Production Schedule


Dear visitors,

This blog and the network will be changing our website software in May (2024). There will be some down time and there will be a change to the webpage addresses.

We will also be removing the Anime blogs. The Rocksmith Songs website will be unavailable of a few weeks or months while I move the database to the new software.

At the moment we are running on Wordpress, the new software is an in-house project which is 57 times faster. It will also provide more freedom for development.

Thank you for understanding.

, By Patcoola

Production schedule as of January 13, 2022. The following information is a general overview of all projects slated for 2022 by Patcoola. This year’s plans are an extension of last year, and headline graphic represents the development of my own 2D game designer once again.


Donate Now!

Hey buddy, it takes a lot to make a blog. How about a donation?

*All projects listed on this Blog are the personal / in-house projects of Patcoola in association with Tigarus Interactive Media. If you are interested in a project or would like to employ our services, please feel free to contact us.

Projects 2022

  • [Web] Update PHP from 7.4 to 8+
  • [Web] GDPR/Cookie Compliance
  • [Web] Remove ads, replace with donations
  • [JS] Knob interface component
  • [JS] Update Select interface component
  • [JS] Dev Color Picker interface component
  • [Software] Chiptune Composer
  • [Software] Audio Cue Sheet Editor
  • [Software] Sprite Sheet Compactor
  • [Software] Sprite Animator Assembler
  • [Software] Tile Map IDE fork
  • [Software] Sprite placement and management IDE fork
  • [Software] Scene Director IDE fork



[Get it now Steam] Now with 833 active available titles (30 titles added)

[Blog] Added: Terms and Privacy page

[Discovery] Square Check Out, is only domestic (Canada)

[Web] Square Online, setup for international donations

[Blog] Updated: Donations page

[Research] Government Funding Opportunities (BUST!)

[Blog] Updated: Crypto donations page with only DOGE Coin

[Web] Development test software has been updated from PHP 7.xx to 8.11

[Web] First round inspection and fixes for PHP 7.xx to 8.11

[Web] Completed FTP Backup of server

[Web] Updated WordPress Software for Blog Network

[Patcoola’s Blog] Fixed: Contact-Me plugin

[Web] Numerous WordPress Themes and Plugins fixed

[Web] PHP 7 to 8 upgrade complete (success?)

[Blog] Updated theme, new short header banner for pages and posts

[Blog] Removed ads

[Blog] Updated theme, now resizes embedded videos

[Blog] Added Cookie and Privacy consent


[Blog Network] Development, Terms and Privacy page

[Anime Blogs] Development, removal of Google Ads

[Anime Blogs] Development, more blogs showcase

[Anime Blogs] Development, Terms and Privacy page

[At Home] Patflix with Kodi, it’s like Netflix but cooler and private

[Systems Website] Updated: layout width limit to 1600px

[Systems Website] Fixed: Calendar time zone

[Systems Website] Fixed: PHP7 to PHP8, unset GET variable

[Systems Website] Fixed: PHP7 to PHP8, unset SQL variable in admin payment journal

[Anime Blogs] Added: Cookie and privacy notice


[Rocksmith Song Search] Fixed, PHP7 to PHP8 bug with search string

[Rocksmith Song Search] Update: Cookie consent, removed ads, donation banner

[Rocksmith Song Search] Added: Terms and Privacy page

[Animated Video] Tigarus Universal Software

[Blog Network] Fixed: Missing closing tag for some pages

[Blog Network] Updated: Search bar has a fixed URL

[Blog Network] Updated: Exclude pages from search results

[Tigarus Blog] Fixed: PHP 7 to 8, unset variable for posts

[Tigarus Blog] Fixed: Missing closing tag for some pages

[Blogs] Updated: Cookie consent is now domain wide

[Blogs] Fixed: Terms and Privacy link paths from relative to absolute

[Steam Get it now] Updated: 15GBs of game updates

[Resources] Audio Added: 32.8GBs, 8519 (WAV) sound loops and FXs

[Resources] Audio Added: 16.1GBs, 7762 (WAV) sound loops and FXs

[Resources] Audio Added: 1.46GBs, 9048 (OGG) sound loops and FXs

[Resources] Audio Added: 4.91GBs, 6621 (WAV) sound loops and FXs

[Resources] Art Added: 1.24GBs, 13892 Sprites, Tiles, Icons

[Tigarus Blog] Added: Terms and Privacy page

[Tigarus Blog] Added: Cookie and privacy consent


[Software] Video: Synthesizer Keyboard

[Systems Website] Fixed: Incomplete SQL string for computer profile edit form

[Digital Art] Added: Created additional street signs


[Digital Art] Added: New vector textures

[Chiptune Composer] Early development of tracks GUI layout

[Chiptune Composer] First draft of XML document format

[JavaScript: XML API] Some updates

[Websites] Updated Google Analytics


[Chiptune Composer] Added: Control body

[Chiptune Composer] Added: Project properties

[Chiptune Composer] Added: Track properties

[Chiptune Composer] Dev: Custom vertical value slider

[Chiptune Composer] Dev: Custom vertical value slider style addon

[Tigarus IT Suite] Update: Consolidated Linux and Windows PE UEFI disks to a single disk

[Color Picker] Dev: Picker color body

[Color Picker] Dev: Hue picker


[Color Picker] Dev: Alpha slider

[Color Picker] Dev: Color preview

[Color Picker] Dev: Hex and RGBA input

[Resources] Audio Added: 70GBs, 15,000 (WAV) samples

[Color Picker] Dev: HSL input

[Color Picker] Status Update: project accomplished

[Patcoola’s Blog] Update: Headline Photo process, now supports iFrame for videos

[Patcoola’s Blog] Fixed: URL for social media info cards for index/search pages

[Patcoola’s Blog] Added: Slogan/description for posts

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: Headline photos support for full size, wide, and thumb

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: Headline photos support implemented to all post indexes

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: Pages how support thumbnails and description

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: Search now works with a new layout

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: New general headline posters for Projects, JavaScript, etc.

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: Pages updated with thumbnails and descriptions

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: Many posts updated with new general headline posters

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: Many posts updated with descriptions

[Patcoola’s Blog] Updated: Many posts updated with headline photo source credits


[Project] Color Picker

[Project] Color Picker Video Demonstration

[Vertical Slider] Status Update: project accomplished

[Project] Vertical Value Slider

[Knob] Dev: Near completion, working on appearance

[Knob] Discovery: Most knobs use an up and down motion

[Project] Knob


[Select] Dev: Custom select element replacement

[Get it now Steam] Now with 855 active available titles (22 titles added)

[Select] Features: size, viewport size awareness, align left/right with viewport awareness

[Select] Features: optgroups, disabled, tabindex, keyboard up/down, keyboard spacebar/enter

[Get it now Steam] Now with 861 active available titles (6 titles added)

[Select] Feature: Always-on-top mode


[Select] Feature: Readonly mode

[Select] Developed: Select element to custom converter

[Select] Developed: Sort, with intelligent string|number|date and separate first number from text

[Select] Update: optgroups without labels will now be labeled Untitled Group

[Select] Added: Sort by attribute, supports attributes and datasets

[Select] Update: Convert element now includes attributes and datasets



Donate Now!

Hey buddy, it takes a lot to make a blog. How about a donation?


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