Rocksmith Songs

Lyrics: B’z – Easy Come, Easy Go!


Dear visitors,

The network will be changing software in May (2024). There will be some down time and there will be a change to the webpage addresses.

Rocksmith Songs Search will be unavailable of a few weeks or months while I "Patcoola" move the database to the new software.

At the moment we are running on Wordpress, the new software is an in-house project which is 57 times faster. It will also provide more freedom for development.

Thank you for understanding.

さよなら言われた後で もう振り向かない
別れにすがって生きる 女にはなれない

濃密な夜を思い出せば 泣けてくるほどせつないのに
抜け殻になるのはヤだから 君はまた 独りきり

踊ろよLady やさしいスロウダンス
また始まる 眩いShow time
泣かないでBaby 力をぬいて
出逢いも別れも Easy come, easy go!

夢にまでフラれそうで 思わずぞっとする
そんな日をどうか耐え抜いて 明日にバラを咲かせよう

昔 卒業の寄せ書きに 書いたことのあるクサイ言葉
「逆境にくじけるな」と 今自分に言い聞かせて

踊ろよLady やさしいスロウダンス
ぐるぐる回る 世界のなかで
泣かないでBaby 力をぬいて
金も恋も Easy come, easy go!

生涯 最愛のものを手に入れるまで
晴天ばかりは続かない... 体が気づいてる
過ぎた時間はすべてDestiny 今の君を産んでくれた

踊ろよLady やさしいスロウダンス
また始まる 眩いShow time
泣かないでBaby 力をぬいて

踊ろよLady やさしいスロウダンス
笑われても あくまでマイペース
まだまだまだ 盛り沢山Life
幸も不幸も Easy come, easy go!

Ever since he told you goodbye, you can't look back any more
Clinging to your break-ups, you can't become a woman

As you remember those crowded nights, they seem so trying that you feel like crying
Not wanting to be discarded like an old shell, you find yourself alone again

Dance, my lady, dance to that gentle slow dance, right when that shining showtime comes again
Don't cry, baby, just relax—meetings and partings, Easy Come, Easy Go!

Even in your dreams you dream that you'll be rejected; unconsciously, it makes you shudder
But somehow you have to let all of that go, and be sure that this rose blooms tomorrow

Those cliche words you wrote long ago at your school graduation...
"Don't be discouraged by setbacks!"—Remind yourself of that now!

Dance, my lady, dance to that gentle slow dance, going 'round and 'round this world
Don't cry, baby, just relax—money and love, Easy Come, Easy Go!

Until you obtain the greatest love in life...
Your body knows those clear skies you see now won't continue to last
The past is all about destiny:
It gave birth to the you that exists today!

Dance, my lady, dance to that gentle slow dance, right when that shining showtime comes again
Don't cry, baby, just relax—but don’t just forget this painful time right away
Dance, my lady, dance to that gentle slow dance; even if you're laughed at, dance your pace till the end
Because there are a great many things in life to live on for
Happiness and unhappiness—Easy Come, Easy Go!


Easy Come, Easy Go!
J-Rock song by B’z in 1990
Rocksmith 2014 DLC, DROP D
Music Video
Rift Video


Rocksmith Songs is an unofficial search engine for songs, bands, and packs featured in the Rocksmith games. Search and discover music online with ease.

This site is developed and maintained by Patcoola. If you like my work, please consider taking an interest in my other sites or donating.