The Official Blog of Patcoola

Im just a dude watching over my parents,
and trying to make cartoons and video games from home.



Dear visitors,

This blog and the network will be changing our website software in May (2024). There will be some down time and there will be a change to the webpage addresses.

We will also be removing the Anime blogs. The Rocksmith Songs website will be unavailable of a few weeks or months while I move the database to the new software.

At the moment we are running on Wordpress, the new software is an in-house project which is 57 times faster. It will also provide more freedom for development.

Thank you for understanding.

This entire Blog is an Easter egg hunt of graphics; with time more graphics will be organized for easy viewing but till then happy hunting.


Headline Photos

Graffiti is what I call headline photos, as of May 14, 2013 most Blog posts are posted with a graphic to illustrate the article. Because most graphics are drawn and posted after the article has been published, the headline photos was called Graffiti because of this act.