The Official Blog of Patcoola

Im just a dude watching over my parents,
and trying to make cartoons and video games from home.

How To Backup and Restore, or Move an Installed Game With EA App


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, By Patcoola

*Image Source: EA App

Backup or move your game with EA App.

Electronic Arts (EA) made to move from Origin to their new EA App client. The move removed the locate game feature which allows users to backup or move their games. Fortunately there is still away to do this by using the Windows’ registry.

This article only focuses on games purchased directly with the EA App or Origin store. Games purchased with third-party stores may require an additional step in the third-party client not available in this article. I recommend launching the game from the EA App instead of the store client you purchased the game with.


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Understanding the registry

EA uses the Windows Registry to identify and track installed games. The games are organized by developer’s name, so games such as Mass Effect will be listed under BioWare, Jedi Fallen Order will be under Respawn, and Need for Speed Heat will be under EA Games.

Using the Windows Registry Editor go the to following directory:


*You can open the Windows Registry Editor by clicking the start menu and type “reg” then select the editor, or you can press WIN+R and type “regedit” into the run field.

How to relocate a game.

Using the Windows Registry Editor we can simply change the Install Dir entry of the game we want to relocate. We can make this change after the game has been moved. The EA App must not be running while we make the change.

First make sure EA App is not running.

Second move the game to its new location.

Third find the game in the Registry Editor and change entry Install Dir with the new directory address.

Example image:

Once the change has been made, we should be able to start the EA App without any problems or verification checks.

How to backup and restore a game.

To backup and restore a game with the EA App, we need to find the game’s registry entry in the Windows Registry. Assuming the game has been installed, we can first export the registry entry. Once the .reg file has been made we can restore the game latter. To restore a game, we can use the .reg file we exported from the Windows Registry and we can change the location as well. Make sure EA App is not running before restoring a game.

To backup a game.

First make sure EA App is not running.

Second copy the game files.

Third find the game’s registry folder (Key) in the Windows Registry.

Fourth export the game’s registry folder (Key) and save the .reg file.

You can export by File->Export or Right Click on the registry folder (Key) and selecting Export.

Once you have saved your registry file (.reg) you now have a backup in which to can restore.

To restore a game.

First make sure EA App is not running.

Second copy the game files to the desired destination.

Third find your registry file (.reg) and import or run it.

If you need to change the install directory see instructions above or edit the registry file before importing.

Once you have imported the registry file and changed the Install Dir entry if needed, you should be able run the EA App without any problems or verification checks.



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