The Official Blog of Patcoola

Im just a dude watching over my parents,
and trying to make cartoons and video games from home.

R&D: Restrict Text Input JavaScript 2012/07/07


Dear visitors,

This blog and the network will be changing our website software in May (2024). There will be some down time and there will be a change to the webpage addresses.

We will also be removing the Anime blogs. The Rocksmith Songs website will be unavailable of a few weeks or months while I move the database to the new software.

At the moment we are running on Wordpress, the new software is an in-house project which is 57 times faster. It will also provide more freedom for development.

Thank you for understanding.

, By Patcoola

I have been working on a Web App that requires the text input field to be restricted to only number inputs without restricting regular user interface functionality such as copy and paste.


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For a long time I thought restricting an input field was as simple as Adobe Flash’s Action Scripting, but as it turns out JavaScript has no such method.

As a result I have struggled with keydown and keypress differentials, restricting copy and paste to just digits and limiting the number of input-able periods “decimals”.

Conclusion, although I have over come many difficulties, restricting an input field is no easy task and I don’t think there will ever be an easy solution made by me.



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It would be great if you would consider donating.


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