The Official Blog of Patcoola

Im just a dude watching over my parents,
and trying to make cartoons and video games from home.

Script: Count Entry [JS]


Dear visitors,

This blog and the network will be changing our website software in May (2024). There will be some down time and there will be a change to the webpage addresses.

We will also be removing the Anime blogs. The Rocksmith Songs website will be unavailable of a few weeks or months while I move the database to the new software.

At the moment we are running on Wordpress, the new software is an in-house project which is 57 times faster. It will also provide more freedom for development.

Thank you for understanding.

, By Patcoola

Script Title: countEntry
Programming Language: Java Script
Date Completed: 2012/11/14

Purpose: Counts the total number of times a value in an array occurs.


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Description: Counts the total number of times a value occurs in an array. Returns a number or undefined if an input value is not valid.


countEntry ( find_s, array_a, [matrix_b] );

Optional Boolean argument matrix_b, default value false, when set to true the array matrix will be flatten to a single list of entries. Note: entry values containing a comma will brake the value.

Example Usage:

var myarray_a = new Array (
new Array(“hello”, “hi”),
new Array(“hello”, “yo”),
new Array(“hello”, “ahoy”)

countEntry ( “hello”, myarray_a, true );

Returns 3



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I don't always use the women's bathroom, but when I do, you can bet it really smells. If you like my blog, please consider donating.


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